The Story Of A Starfish | The Inspiration Initiative

ONE of my fondest childhood memories is walking on a lakeside, barefoot, with my mother, with her warm, reassuring hand wrapped tightly on mine.

My fascination towards the fish wasn't unknown to her and when on any splash or movement in the still water I'd exclaim "maa look, there's a fish!". She'd unfailingly smile everytime and say "yes, yes it is".

During one such stroll, way back in time, she told me a story about a little girl and how she was able to make a big difference.

The girl would go to the seashore, every morning, to collect empty shells, so she could sell them later.

One day, early in the morning she saw the last night's storm had washed up thousands of starfish on the beach. And a lot of people had gathered to see the sight.

Without a second thought, the little girl started picking them up, one by one, and throwing them back into the sea.

A man, seeing her gruelling efforts, walked up to her and remarked "there are thousands of them, helping a few back won't make any difference".

The girl picked up one more, threw it back into the sea as far as she could and replied "well, it made a difference to that one".


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