Life Is Happening Now | The Inspiration Initiative

WE convince ourselves that life will be better tomorrow, than it is today.

It'll all be fine after we get married, and have a baby and then maybe another one.

And then when it dawns upon us that babies are consistently drooling and pooping, attention-seeking minions of satan and not the angels we thought, we make do with the understanding that maybe the kids aren't old enough, and we'll be absolutely content when they are.

But after they grow up, we're frustrated that now, we have teenagers to deal with.

We tell ourselves that our lives will be complete if our spouse gets his or her act together, when we get a bigger apartment, shinier car, or go on that exotic vacation we planned years ago, or maybe just maybe situation will ameliorate after we retire.

But the truth is, if there's any time to be happy, it is in this precise moment. It is now.

Life will always be stocking up with challenges day after day, one after another, it's for the best to admit it to yourself and be happy anyway.

For a long time it may seem that the life you always dreamt about is about to begin : the real life, but something always seems to be gotten through first.

An unfinished business, a promise to be served, or a debt to be paid and then, life will begin.

But the beautiful truth is, that life is happening, now.

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